
CredibleBH is a leading platform in the behavioral health sector, offering Electronic Health Record (EHR) solutions that aim to simplify and streamline healthcare management.


The platform is designed to assist healthcare authorities in various institutional functions such as human resource management, diagnostic planning, and reporting.

If you’re looking to become a part of this innovative ecosystem, the first step is to register for an account. This article will walk you through the CredibleBH registration process, step-by-step.

Why Register for CredibleBH?

Before diving into the registration process, it’s essential to understand why you should consider registering for a CredibleBH account:

  • Comprehensive EHR Solutions: CredibleBH offers a robust EHR system tailored for behavioral health services.
  • Streamlined Operations: The platform provides tools that can help healthcare providers manage their operations more efficiently.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: With advanced reporting features, CredibleBH enables healthcare authorities to make informed decisions.

Pre-Requisites for Registration

Before you start the registration process, make sure you have the following:

  • A valid email address
  • Your full name
  • Details about your organizational structure
  • A strong password

Step-by-Step Registration Guide

Step 1: Navigate to the Official Website

Open your web browser and go to the official CredibleBH portal. Make sure you are on the official website to ensure the security of your information.

Step 2: Locate the Registration Link

On the login page, you will find a link for new users to register. Click on this link to proceed.

Step 3: Fill in Your Details

You will be redirected to the registration page. Here, you will need to fill in all the required information, including your email, full name, password, and details about your organizational structure.

Step 4: Complete the Captcha Verification

To confirm that you are not a robot, you’ll need to check the ‘I am not a robot’ box and complete the captcha verification.

Step 5: Finalize the Registration

After filling in all the details and completing the captcha, click on the ‘Register’ button. A confirmation email will be sent to the email address you provided.

Step 6: Confirm Your Email

Open the confirmation email and follow the instructions to activate your account. This usually involves clicking on a verification link.

Troubleshooting Tips

  • If you don’t receive the confirmation email, check your spam folder.
  • Make sure to use a strong password to ensure the security of your account.
  • If you encounter any issues during registration, contact CredibleBH customer support for assistance.


Registering for a CredibleBH account is a straightforward process designed to be user-friendly. Once registered, you’ll gain access to a range of features that can significantly improve healthcare management in the behavioral health sector.

Always remember to use the official website for registration to ensure the security and reliability of your account.