Forum Login

The CredibleBH Forum serves as a valuable platform for professionals in the behavioral health industry to engage in constructive dialogue, share information, and discuss trends.


Governed by specific rules to encourage respectful and meaningful interactions, the forum is an excellent resource for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of behavioral health and Credible’s software solutions.

In this article, you will guide you through the login process for the Credible Forum and provide an overview of its features and guidelines.

Why Use the Credible Forum?

  • Community Engagement: Connect with other professionals and agencies in the behavioral health sector.
  • Information Sharing: Gain insights into trends, best practices, and Credible software updates.
  • Problem-Solving: Discuss challenges and seek solutions from a community of experts.
  • Learning Opportunities: Stay updated on the latest in behavioral health through shared resources and discussions.

How to Login to the Credible Forum

Step 1: Navigate to the Official Portal

Visit the official login portal for the Credible Partner Community Forum at

Step 2: Enter Your Credentials

In the login section, enter your email address, username, and password into the appropriate fields.

Step 3: Forgot Password?

If you can’t remember your password, there is an option to retrieve it. Simply click on the “Forgot Password” link and follow the instructions.

Step 4: First-Time Visitor?

If you are visiting the forum for the first time, click the “Create One” button to register for an account.

Step 5: Sign In

Once you’ve entered your information, click the “Sign In” button. You will then be redirected to the forum portal where you can access your account and participate in discussions.

Forum Guidelines

  • Relevance: Posts should relate to trends in the behavioral health industry, Credible software, or learning opportunities.
  • Respect and Tolerance: Maintain a polite tone and respect all viewpoints.
  • Confidentiality: Do not post any Protected Health Information (PHI), details about Credible contracts, or confidential interactions.
  • Inclusivity: All partners are encouraged to participate; discussions should not be monopolized by one user.
  • Content Restrictions: Defamation, abuse, vulgarity, harassment, obscenity, and other inappropriate content are strictly forbidden.

The Credible Forum offers a rich platform for meaningful discussions and information sharing among professionals in the behavioral health sector. By following the simple login steps and adhering to the forum’s guidelines, you can make the most out of this valuable resource.

Always remember to respect the community rules to maintain a constructive and respectful environment for all.